Address: American Progressive Circuits,Inc,
1772 Armitage Court, ADDISON, IL 60101
Tel:(630) 495-6900
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Local and Off-shore Manufacturing Services

Local and Offshore PCB Manufacturing

Quality Driven Local and Offshore PCB Manufacturing Services


A large professional network is essential to the success of a PCB manufacturing company. It provides enormous support in terms of material sourcing, ordering of components, product distribution, and outsourced assignments.


Over the years, APC has grown its professional network to a large group of associates around the world. Today, we provide complete PCB design and manufacturing services to local and offshore clients. It has also helped us expand our client base in America and in other countries around the world.


The APC network has helped us strengthen our local and offshore PCB manufacturing services. We have been able to utilize professional talent from various countries to improve the quality of our work. The biggest advantage is that we have been able to lower our manufacturing costs. This has placed us in an extremely strong position in the market and among customers.


With the continual growth of our professional network, we are able to take advantage of various work related opportunities, including:

  • Taking on more complex PCB assignments
  • Bringing in upgraded machines and technologies
  • Creating more innovative design and manufacturing solutions

APC’s offshore partners have created a strong base in their respective countries. Offshore manufacturing has also helped us to understand the needs and requirements of customers therein. We have been able to gain the trust and respect of offshore customers through our various products and services. For large assignments, our offshore manufacturing plants act as back-ups to complete the orders on time and deliver quality components to clients.


Our local and offshore PCB manufacturing services offers the following benefits to our customers:

  • Apt Customization.
  • Maintain confidentiality and control over original data and process.
  • Avoid any communications gap and provide clean communications on both sides.
  • Take full responsibilities of quality and on time delivery with back up local manufacturing.
  • Superior Technology.
  • Incorporation of all necessary tools
  • Efficient Time Management
  • Affordable comprehensive solutions
  • Complete Customer Satisfaction

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