Address: American Progressive Circuits,Inc,
1772 Armitage Court, ADDISON, IL 60101
Tel:(630) 495-6900
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PCB Prototype Manufacturing Services

Quick Turn PCB Solutions for Critical Industrial Requirements


At APC, we understand that there will always be emergency situations where a client may require a PCB within an extremely short turnaround time. In an effort to continue serving our customers, we provide efficient quick turn PCB design services. We have the capabilities to provide quality PCBs within a short turnaround time, while providing savings in terms of overall expenditure.

APC Quick Turn PCB Design Solutions

While it is difficult to predict crisis situations, by observing current market positions and trends, we at APC try to keep low production levels at certain times so that we are in a position to meet expeditious assignments. We utilize specialized schedules that help us design and manufacture the PCB on time. We work with a special group of suppliers who can provide us raw materials within a short time period.


Our ability to quickly produce quality PCBs is in part thanks to the range of cutting-edge equipment and software at our disposal. Some of the software and machines that we use in our PCB manufacturing process include:

  • NC-CAM for programming and engineering.

  • Excellon 4-CNC & 2-Routerdrills with ball and air bearing spindles

  • Two fabrication machines and edge bevelors

  • Three screen stations with three oven backing units
  • Two Mania electrical testing machines with net list fixturing functions
  • Three final inspection stations with scopes

We adhere to IPC A-600E Class 1, 2, and 3 process guidelines to ensure that the PCBs will meet global standards of quality. In terms of inspection, we provide 100% visual on proto and high-speed inner layers and SMT inspection using AOI machines. Our specialized department guidelines and check lists help ensure that all the processes are completed quickly and efficiently, and the PCB gets ready for delivery.


Whatever your critical requirements may be, you can be assured of APC’s complete support to provide you with the quick turn PCB you need. Contact us for more details.

PCB Manufacturing & Design
PCB Manufacturing Testing & Inspection
PCB Prototype Manufacturing
Local and Off-Shore PCB Manufacturing

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